What is the best commercial food for my dog or puppy?
This is one of the most frequently asked questions from people in my online courses, face-to-face courses, conferences or on my blog.
I am going to answer you
It doesn't matter how you name them: processed food, balanced, feed, concentrate, kibble, kibble, pellets... In this article I am going to recommend two commercial foods based on my experience, on what I have seen, on my dealings with these companies and on how I see dogs respond to them.
I would first like to make three things very clear
ONE. I do not represent any commercial company.
If I talk about these two foods it is because I know them, they are not perfect but they are good and are above the vast majority. They are not the only ones but I have used them with very good results in general. I know them well and I will tell you their strengths and weaknesses.
TWO. I will never recommend something that is not quality.
They have tried to give me commissions for recommending some product that I don't believe in, I will never do that since you are my potential customer.
My business is in being an authority in canine nutrition and advising you on what is best for your dog in terms of nutrition, I charge for personalized advice, I sell my books (some are free) as well as conferences and trainings. I am not a food salesman, it is as simple as that.
The first criterion to recommend something related to the nutrition of your best friend is the quality of the product, independently of the price and whether I receive a commission or not.
THREE. I DO NOT RECOMMEND feeding a dog only commercial products.
No matter how good the commercial foods I am going to recommend are, I do not suggest you to feed him/her only with that. I recommend that you feed him/her homemade diets, food from your home (the most appropriate for him/her) and as a complement some of these commercial foods that I recommend.
Best commercial dog foods

I personally know Gorka (Director and owner), Edurne and Mari, and I can tell you that the soul of a company and its quality is made up of its members. You can not aspire to make a great product if its leaders do not have quality as people and love dogs. They are always surrounded by four-legged friends in their offices.
This is very important because they can make mistakes, they can fail, but they are always there wanting to improve their products and involved with the constant improvement of this food.
I can also tell you that Gorka was the first "madman" who came up with the idea (at least in Spain) to make a 100% natural food whose only preservation process is the drying of the product. After that, cheap and fast copies have come out, be careful.
Watch this short video Is commercial dog and cat food really healthy?
The only real natural food! Right, and this is worth gold, you can taste the pieces of apple, banana, rice, you put them in your mouth and they start to hydrate and take shape and flavor.
I laugh when people write to me asking about this or that "Natural" or "Holistic" pellet. What is so natural about a piece of chicken or salmon (in the best of cases because it is almost always waste and scraps) that after a thousand processes: excessive temperatures, traumatic pressures... where many nutrients, enzymes and bacteria are lost, is converted into a food pellet?
Is there anything natural or holistic in a pellet? That is the great virtue of Naku, it is the only food that is natural and has only been subjected to dehydration.
Let's take a look at the pros and cons of this food.
Plus points
It is generally very good for the digestive system, perhaps because of the high digestibility and natural state of its ingredients.
Progressive discount system: 30%, 50%? you can even get it for free, see how it works here
Points against:
Where to buy
The sale, as far as I know, is exclusively through the internet. I recommend you to visit their site because, as I said above, they have a discount system that you can even get for free, I'm already signed up 😉
I have never dealt with the distributors in Spain. However, with the customer service manager in Canada, Diana Mick, I have had communication and feedback on their products that have earned my trust.
For years this company (Champion Pet Foods) has been doing very interesting things and very much in line with my philosophy, that is, to treat the dog as a carnivore. This food is rich in animal protein and low or null in cereals, and its carbohydrates (most of them) come from fruits and vegetables..
More than 95% of the existing foods on the market introduce cereals and are rich in carbohydrates, and this is due to purely economic criteria, it is much cheaper a kilo of cereals than a kilo of animal protein. There is a prestigious award for food, both human and animal, which recognizes the low glycemic index (low blood sugar levels), and Orijen has been several times winner in recent years.
More than 95% of the existing foods on the market introduce cereals and are rich in carbohydrates, and they do it just to make money. A kilo of rice is much cheaper than a kilo of chicken.
Today the trend is beginning to change, and as Naku is being copied for being a novel and quality product, foods like Orijen, with good levels of animal protein, low in cereals and with fruits and vegetables are beginning to abound in the market. Be careful! You may be being sold a pig in a poke.
Now you have to look at the quality of that protein, because as I told you in my free book "The shocking truths about your dog's food": an optimal percentage of protein on the label does not mean quality protein, they can put old leather shoes in during the manufacturing process and that will increase the levels of that protein ;-(
Let's take a look at the pros and cons of this food.
Points in favor:
Points against:
Pellets, no matter how good they are, can cause volvulus or gastric torsion in large breeds of dogs, almost always with fatal consequences. My dog died from this
Where to buy
There are many places on the internet, that is not a problem, look for seriousness and professionalism.
You can see my impartiality in recommending two foods so different, and we could say antagonistic, one is low in cereals and the other high, one is natural and the other is a pellet. However, there is a general criterion by which I am guided: quality, and both have it, according to my judgment.
I tell you and I will tell you again: no dog, or human, can be well fed with a commercial food, no matter how good it is, the key is to give food like the ones I have just described in addition to homemade diets well done for your dog.
My advice
If you really want a healthy dog that doesn't get sick much, it's good for him to get some exercise, he doesn't need much, and a healthy diet.
I would recommend that you feed a quality commercial food 2-3 days a week and the other days homemade diets, including leftovers of your food suitable for your dog's physiology.
By taking my ONLINE or IN-PERSON courses, besides supporting this INDEPENDENT and UNIQUE project in the WORLD, you will learn in just a few hours to make very cheap, easy, fast and above all VERY HEALTHY diets.
Here is the information: