Dog Nutrition Books Best Sellers
Essential titles for the correct feeding of your dog, healthy or sick.

Hepatic Patient
The liver is the body's laboratory, where all food is transformed. With our manual we will teach you the recipes, vitamins and foods that will help you detoxify and improve.

Cooked and Raw Diets
Cooked, raw diets, vitamins, advantages and disadvantages of raw and cooked, exercises to learn to calculate quantities, proportions. How to give bones safely...

Renal Patient
The kidneys are responsible for filtering the waste products of metabolism through urine. In this manual we teach you recipes, vitamins and foods that preserve the kidney nephrons.

The most dangerous foods for your dog
Foods that undermine the health of your beloved friend. An eye-opening video to find out the foods you can eat to strengthen your health. FREE BOOK

15 Homemade and Natural Recipes
The digital book that will teach you how to make recipes that your dog will love and devour, and you will have peace of mind because you know that you are giving balanced, healthy and easy to prepare diets.

Brands that are killing your dog
What you should look for when buying a commercial food: to know if it has an excess of carbohydrates, if the ashes are good, proteins...
Dog Nutrition Manuals
Specific diets for sick dogs

Cardiac Patient
Cachexia (weight loss) is very common in cardiac patients. In this manual you will get recipes, vitamins and foods rich in, carnitine, omega 3... that will incredibly improve your health.

Hepatic Patient
The liver is the body's laboratory, where all food is transformed. With our manual we will teach you the recipes, vitamins and foods that will help you detoxify and improve.

Renal Patient
The kidneys are responsible for filtering the waste products of metabolism through urine. In this manual we teach you recipes, vitamins and foods that preserve the kidney nephrons.

Patient with Cystine urate stones
In this patient it is necessary to control the pH and ammonium urate. With our manual you can get recipes, vitamins and foods rich in nutrients that control and help this type of stones to disappear.

Patient with Struvite stones
It is essential to regulate the levels of magnesium, ammonium and phosphate (MAP) in this type of stones. The recipes, vitamins and foods in this manual help to combat them.

Patient with oxalate stones
The key is to regulate calcium and oxalate levels in these patients. The recipes, vitamins and foods in this manual help to control and combat them.

Thyroid Patient
The hypothyroid dog is very common, with the right dose of thyroid hormone and the recipes, vitamins and food that we teach you in this manual, you will see how very soon he will regain weight and vitality.