1 Variety above all
I want you to think about this: Do you think you could bear to eat the same food day and night for several days (let alone months or years)? No, of course not!
That’s why I am completely against feeding our dogs just kibble (dry food, pellets, processed food, etc.) and nothing but kibble, day and night, every day of every month of every year. It’s cruel!
If you love your best friend, try varying their diet. It’s perfectly fine to give them kibble (as long as it’s high quality and grain-free) as a SUPPLEMENT, one to three days a week. For the rest of the time, we can give them homemade diets.
2 Diet based on animal proteins
We have been led to believe that our dogs primarily eat cereals, but that is false.
It’s true that a dog can eat cereals such as rice, corn, pasta, and so on. I even encourage my clients to occasionally give their dogs leftover rice or pasta, although never as a base diet, so that OUR DOGS LEARN TO EAT EVERYTHING. However, we must be clear that A DOG’S DIET IS BASED ON ANIMAL PROTEIN.
Do your best to give your dog homemade diets—which are easy to make, as long as they’re supervised by a veterinarian with experience in canine nutrition—and the basis of these should be animal protein such as meaty bones.
If you decide to feed them kibble, make sure it’s only as a supplement and free of cereals or grains (rice, corn, wheat, etc.).
3 Use animal fats instead of vegetable fats
It’s common for my clients to ask me if they can give their dogs flaxseed oil, or any other vegetable-based oil rich in Omega 3, when I recommend they give Omega 3 oils. Please note that oils, fats, and lipids are synonymous.
There is no doubt that they are very beneficial. I recommend them for healthy dogs and especially for dogs with diseases such as heart problems, arthritis, allergies, and skin problems in general, but there’s a big difference between Omega 3 from vegetable and animal sources.
My answer to these clients is as follows: “If you already bought a bottle of an Omega 3 supplement from a vegetable source, then use it for yourself and your dog. But when you finish it, I want you to buy FISH OIL” (Please note that cod liver oil is not the same).
What’s the difference? Dogs, being carnivores (like cats, the latter being obligate carnivores), metabolize animal-based fats, oils, lipids, or whatever you want to call them, much better than those from vegetable sources.
In conclusion, animal-based fats, in moderate amounts depending on the amount of exercise, are good in the diet of healthy dogs. Vegetable fats are far less beneficial.
4 Do not spend your money on expensive vitamins
I am not against vitamins; on the contrary, I recommend them. I even teach my clients how to make them; they work out to be much cheaper than the commercial ones and with true quality ingredients.
So, where’s the problem? Do you think it would be the most appropriate to ingest vitamins when we have a poor-quality diet? Well, no. The same applies to our furry friends.
If you give them quality nutrition based on fresh and natural ingredients and not just kibble, you will have a well-fed and healthy dog or cat, if you want to round off and achieve perfect nutrition, we can add vitamins.
Be careful: Investigate well because the majority, in addition to being expensive, provide little benefit.
5 Massage for shiny fur
Just as the eyes are said to be the window to the soul, the skin is the mirror of our health.
You may wonder, what does this have to do with nutrition?
The relationship is indirect, so let me explain it to you: If you could see the quality of my dog’s fur, which not only doesn’t produce the slightest unpleasant odor but is also silky smooth, the like of which I only ever see in dogs fed with well-made homemade diets, supplemented with quality kibble, vitamins, and probiotics, you would ask me how I achieved it. Well, with the aforementioned diet, as well as A GOOD MASSAGE.
“But I don’t have time!” is the most common response I hear. It is hardly time-consuming to give a massage with your hands and fingers, even your nails, for a minute or two, 3, 4 or 5 times a week. Is that too much time? Massage firmly using your fingers and nails in all directions, all over the body, even pulling the skin in the opposite direction to the fur, without hurting them, for a minute or so. If you do this in addition to providing good nutrition, you will see results in a few weeks.
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