
Scrambled egg for your dog

For those who exclusively feed their dogs dry kibble out of fear of “unbalancing their diet,” let me debunk that myth!

The worst thing you can do is rely solely on kibble and nothing else. Would you ever consider doing that for yourself or your family? Of course not!

So, as a delicious and nutritious alternative, I’m going to provide you with a fantastic recipe to replace one of your dog’s meals. Trust me; this is a thousand times better than even the best kibble!

But keep in mind, if you fed your dog exclusively this diet, it would not be complete, either; no better than relying solely on kibble. There is NO single dish or food that contains all the nutrients you and your dog need— that’s a misconception!

This diet is just one of many options you can provide to ensure your dog has a healthy digestive system.

So, what’s the recipe? Scramble an egg with a small amount of oil and a bit of “something else.” Cook it lightly.

What should that something be? It can be anything you like, really. Ideally, it should include animal-based proteins, but don’t worry if you add a bit of pasta or some leftover vegetables from your own meal—that’s excellent!


Avoid using salt. Dogs, like all carnivores, do not require salt in their diet. The sodium present in the prey they eat or in the meats we provide them fulfills their requirements.

If you made eggs for yourself and want to share them with your dog but are worried that they contain salt, relax! Try to minimize salt usage, but an occasional treat won’t cause any harm.


In my opinion, as long as you provide high-quality nutrition, which includes homemade diets and fresh foods selected specially for your dog, you don’t need additional vitamins. However, if that’s not feasible or you feel the need to enhance their nutrition, you have the option of incorporating various types of vitamins.  

I recommend homemade vitamins. They are much more affordable than any commercial brand and undoubtedly superior in quality.

Certainly, there are quality commercial options available at reasonable prices, but the challenge lies in deciding which ones to use.

If you look at the photo in the article, it shows scrambled eggs with a small piece of omelet, a few macaroni noodles that I had, and some green beans. A wonderful meal! You don’t have to worry about “unbalancing” their diet. No problem!

The green beans had tomato and onion! Will my dog get poisoned? What nonsense! Your dog doesn’t need onion, but if there’s a small amount in a dish, it’s not a problem! It would be different if you gave them a bowl of onion soup. Don’t do that!

The same applies to tomatoes. Your dog can eat practically ANYTHING! The key is the quantity and prioritizing animal proteins and fats, the foundation of a carnivore’s diet.


The best approach, which you should start using, is the “eyeballing” method—just like how you portion your own meals! How many grams did you have for breakfast this week? Would you eat twenty kilograms in one sitting?

Well, the same goes for your dog. Start calculating. If your dog starts gaining weight over the weeks, you know what to do: less food and more exercise… a walk for both of you wouldn’t hurt.

If your dog starts losing weight, slightly increase the portion. Keep adjusting until you find the right amount for your dog.

Don’t live in fear when it comes to your dog’s nutrition! Make feeding time enjoyable and happy for everyone.

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Best regards!

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